
May 7, 2024

I am always curious to hear what people outside the cybersecurity industry think about the idea of a digital credential taking the place of the physical card we carry around for everyday interactions. I get lots of positive reactions, many focused on the convenience - “I don’t have to carry my license when going out!” “I already have my plane ticket on my phone, why not my ID?”, but also skepticism, usually about the concerns around security - “Everything gets hacked, it’s just going to get stolen.” “People will just photoshop fake ones.”

This made me think, it would be good to try to provide some answers to how the mDL security components ensure that only the owner of the identity can set up and use the mDL. These answers are targeted for any mDL program is using the International Standards Organization (ISO) mDL Specifications to ensure interoperability and security.


April 10, 2024

In the United States, the lack of a strong national digital identity policy and program has long been a subject of debate and concern, especially among security professionals. However, this apparent gap presents an opportunity, particularly when considering the dynamics of the traditional US identity landscape. The current state-centric approach to identification, where a driver's license serves as the de facto government ID, is a clear indication that a decentralized identity model is not just a possibility but a necessity. This model, aligned with the growing adoption of ISO/IEC standards, offers a promising solution to the challenges of managing complex many-to-many relationships inherent in this type of digital identity ecosystem and promoting greater control, privacy and transparency for individual holders.


Nov 27, 2023

I had the honor to represent STA mDL Jumpstart with David Kelts on the Identi3 Podcast hosted by Dock CEO Nick Lambert and talk about the progress of Mobile IDs, Verifiable Credentials and some of the opportunities that can come from having a reusable and reliable digital identity credential issued from a trusted and authoritative source.

mDL - The Digital Mobile Driver's License

Text message asking for pwd

Sept 29, 2023

In the previous entry, I highlighted some of the key benefits I see with the adoption of FIDO Passkeys as a strong and convenient authentication that benefits both end user and online businesses. While these authenticators have the potential to overhaul the cybersecurity landscape in a beneficial way, they also introduce some intriguing challenges because of the way it changes how access can be transferred between individuals.


Illustration of Key in a Brain Generated by DALL-E

Passkeys - Unforgettable in Every Way

Aug 17, 2023

Passkeys, also known as Multi-Device FIDO Authenticators, directly tackle several major weaknesses of passwords. These include:

These improvements alone are compelling reasons for service providers to embrace adoption. However, the most significant advantage of passkeys lies in nearly eradicating the need for customers to click on “Forgot Password”.


IAM and VC Lifecycle

IAM Lifecycle with VC Example Enhancements

June 23, 2023

Verifiable Credentials have a compelling story for re-usable, interoperable, user-controlled credentials, and they will be a great compliment to the traditional IAM Lifecycle. The diagram illustrates several examples of where Issuance and Presentation could enhance identity and authentication interactions. Additionally, an authenticating entity might play both roles over time as an Issuer and a Verifier in the ecosystem.

LinkedIn Mobile App Page with Verifications

LinkedIn Mobile App Page with Verifications

June 6, 2023

Verifiable credentials continue to be a hot topic in the digital identity space as a way to save verified attributes in a re-usable credential format to build scalable, transparent trust networks. Verification of employment seems an excellent example to test - relatively low effort and low risk for all parties involved - and I was excited to get the LinkedIn Verified Employee implementation up and running now that I had my Verified Employee VC in my Microsoft Authenticator Wallet!


Verified Credential for Employee

Verified Credential for Employee in MS Authenticator App

May 3, 2023 

Where we work is often a central part of our identity. And it’s more than a cliché conversation starter - Opening a brokerage account - Where do you work? Need a car loan - Where do you work? Applying for insurance - Where do you work? But it’s also something most interested parties really don’t bother checking on unless something is going wrong… and then it’s probably too late

Microsoft is piloting a job verification scheme based on their Verified ID offering; employees can authenticate through their employer to generate a Verifiable Credential that can be held in the Microsoft Authenticator wallet. This VC can be presented at relying verifiers, such as LinkedIn, as a proof of employee relationship with the issuing employer.